Thursday, October 1, 2009

My 101 in 1001 List

Learning to Be a Grown Up
1. Write my will.
2. Buy a fireproof small safe, file important papers.
3. Buy file cabinet, file other papers.
4. Equip my car with an emergency kit.
5. Get Allie-Kat her shots.
6. Once a month log my work tasks/times for the day.
7. Get Nate’s baby book up to date.

Not-so-Extreme Home Make-over
8. Have laundry room finished.
9. Go through boxes in basement, move things we are keeping to Tupperware containers.
10. Buy additional bookshelf for basement.
11. Get quote from landscaper.
12. Weed flower beds at least once a month during non-winter months (0/21).

Clean Sweep
13. Make my bed in the morning four times a month (0/132).
14. Create a chore list with daily chores, weekly chores, and monthly chores.
15. Clean out car weekly (0/143).
16. Vacuum house once a week (0/143).

Money, money, money, money
17. Open a bank account for Nate (in order to put half of any gift money he receives into).
18. Check for best CD rates once a month (0/33).
19. Have a yard sale.
20. Eat every meal at home for a week (0/21).
21. Clip coupons once a month (0/33).
22. Pay off Venza.

I Be Up In The Gym, Just Working on My Fitness
23. Drink nothing but water for a week each month (0/33)
24. Walk 10 miles a week (use wii in bad weather 200 minutes) (0/143).
25. Lose 50 pounds (0/50).
26. Complete a 30-day Challenge on EA Active, two times (0/2).
27. Take a vitamin every day for a month (0/31).
28. Go to bed before 11 pm once a week (0/143).
29. Walk in a 3K/5K Walk/Run once a year (0/3).

Spiritual Growth
30. Take Nate to church once every other month (0/17).
31. Pray with Nate each night (1/1001).
32. Read all books in the Bible (0/66).
33. Try a new church one Sunday.
34. Complete a Bible study workbook .

Intellectual Growth
35. Relearn to sign the alphabet
36. Learn to knit or crochet

37. Send a card once a month, non-birthday related (0/33).
38. Post a comment on someone’s blog once a week (0/143).
39. Donate blood.
40. Take dinner to a friend who just had a baby.
41. Donate 100,000 grains of rice ( (10/100,000).
42. Once a year send some money to a family in need (0/3).
43. Volunteer on three separate occasions (0/3).
44. Let Nate help me donate to Toys for Tots each year (0/3).
45. Let Nate help me donate to a Food Program each year (0/3).
46. Sponsor an Angel from Angel Tree at Christmas each year(0/3).
47. Tip 100% to a really good waiter/waitress

Book Nook
48. Read a book each month (0/33).
49. Read the Parents magazine each month (0/33).
50. Bend the corners, crease the spine of a book I’m reading (0/1).
51. Take Nate to the library once a month (0/33).

Who’s in the Kitchen With Dinah
52. Learn 20 new recipes (0/20).
53. Make big dinner at home 8 times a month (0/264).
54. Have a clean kitchen before going to bed once a week (0/143).
55. Go to a Farmer’s Market 10 times (0/10).
56. Try new restaurant 10 times (0/10).

Family Time
57. Have a game-night once a week (0/143).
58. Take Nate to do a fun activity once a month (0/33).
59. Send email/letter to Mike’s parents twice a month (0/66).
60. Call Dad twice a month (0/66).
61. Date night with Mike once every other month (0/17).
62. Take Nate to the zoo 5 times a year (0/15).
63. Mail photos to a long-distance family member once a month (0/33).
64. Take Nate to his first movie.
65. Go to a sport/event for Aaron once a year (0/3).
66. Go to a sport/event for Luke once a year (0/3).
67. Carve a pumpkin with Nate each year (0/3).
68. Make dinner for Mom twice a year (0/6).
69. Invite Dad over for dinner twice a year (0/6).
70. Have 2nd child.

Fun For Me
71. Go see a play/musical once a year (0/3).
72. Buy a new book once a month (0/33).
73. Play Bingo twice a year (0/6).
74. Scrapbook night twice a year (0/6).
75. See a movie with friends twice a year (0/6).
76. Go to yard sales three times each summer (0/9).
77. Get a massage once a year (0/3).
78. Go to a museum once a year (0/3).
79. Do Project 365.
80. Take a Photography Class.
81. Do the Photo ABCs of Nate.
82. Watch a movie I’ve never seen before once a month (0/33).
83. Try a new alcoholic drink.
84. Try a new food at a restaurant where I always order the same thing.
85. Update my Hammster Blog twice a month (0/66).
86. Get a new cell phone.
87. Watch all seasons of Seinfeld (0/10).
88. Get a new laptop.
89. Get pedicure once every other month (0/17).
90. Do chunk of hair in pink.

Just for Nate
91. Set up 5 play dates a year for Nate (0/15).
92. Go shopping and buy an outfit of Nate’s choosing twice a year (0/6)
93. Do an art craft with Nate each month (0/33).
94. Make Nate his own photo family album
95. Move Nate to big boy bed

List Related
96. Create 101 in 1001 Blog.
97. Update 101 in 1001 Blog once a week (0/143).
98. Encourage someone to do 101 in 1001 list.
99. Save $5 for each completed task.
100. Donate $5 for each failed task.
101. Make a new list and start over.


  1. Good luck! Way to get it finished on 10-1! I'm proud of you!

    Here's the creepy thing. I did a 2nd blog, but Sam told me it was lame (I don't have any secret ones on there). It was the SAME format/background and it was named jennies101list. (Okay, not that creepy, but originally I thought I'd named it jennies101in1001.) Then I deleted it because the thought of keeping up with 2 blogs was overwhelming to me. Good story, huh?

  2. "I be all up in the gym, workin on my fitness"
    made me smile really big.

    I'll be here cheering you on. :)

    P.S. Don't do a chucnk of your hair in pink.
